Appendix 1– Proposals where objections are recommended to be upheld in part
1. Site 1 Frederick Road and Coghurst Road (Councillor Hilton)
1.1 The proposal at this location to install new double yellow lines at the junction of Fredrick Road and Coghurst Road.
1.2 Three objections have been received from residents, one is on the grounds that the lines extend too far north of the junction and should extend further into Coghurst Road. One objection is on the grounds that parking is in high demand in nearby roads, and this will further displace vehicles. The other objection is on the grounds that the proposals only affect two properties and they will no longer be able to park directly outside of the property. Seven items of support have been received for this proposal.
1.3 The proposal follows a request from the County Council District Councillor on behalf of local residents for double yellow lines as vehicles block sight lines for pedestrians when crossing opposite the junction.
1.4 Having considered all the objections, officers are satisfied that there are sufficient grounds to modify the proposal. Junction protection markings are considered necessary to aid pedestrian and driver visibility, it is however recognised that the proposals can be modified. Reducing the proposed double yellow lines by 6 metres to 32.5 metres on the west side of the junction, enables an extra vehicle to park while maintaining safety at the junction.
1.5 Councillor Hilton has confirmed their support for the modified proposal to be implemented.
1.6 Recommendation: To uphold, in part, the objections and to modify the proposal by reducing the no waiting at any time restriction on the west side of Frederick Road to 32.5 metres.